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  • Sales: How to Make a Sales Order
    Answer: Prerequisite A Sales Order Station must be created before a Sales Order can be made.  See How Do I Make a Station? Where is New Sales Order ...
  • GTIN Information: Walmart Label Clarification
    Answer: Envio’s Existing Box Label Format Meets Walmart’s GTIN Label Expectations June 6th , 2013 Packers and Shippers country-wide breathed a sigh of relief after a phone conference ...
  • Implementation: Quickbooks Setup Tips
    Answer: QuickBooks Setup Tips When adding the Billing Addresses, make the first line the name of the company. The Customer Name is the code that will selected to ...
  • Configuration: Make a New Master Container
    Answer: Prerequisite You must have physical containers/bins with unique numbers, codes, or barcodes permanently affixed. Where the Master Container is located Configuration > Find > MasterContainers Why & When Master ...
  • Purchasing: Allocate Freight from the Load Tab to the Product on a Purchase Order (PO)
    Answer: Here is the process to Allocate Freight from the Load Tab to the product on a PO.   Make sure there is a Charge for ...

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